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The oil well market is extensive- there are 1,600,000 existing wells in the US alone. A significant portion of these wells are remotely located, meaning they must generally generate 100-150 kW of power on-site and typically must haul in diesel for generator use. Remote sites must haul contaminated production water as well as crude oil to distant treatment facilities, costing hundreds of thousands per year. For each barrel of oil produced, three to nine barrels of contaminated water are also extracted. In addition, some of these remote wells flare gas creating acid rain and EPA problems. 150 kWs of power required for well pumps, transfer pumps, lighting, maintenance vehicles, and diesel generators add to the expense. With significant savings on infrastructure for network wells, these wells could have excellent economic benefits from switching to SREUS systems.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Well, in this instance, perhaps your trash could be your treasure… When it comes to producing power and clean water using the SREUS system, there are many fuels that can power it:
We would love to discuss how this technology could benefit your industry!
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